Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

To All Stewards

I just wanted to take a minute and say Merry Christmas and Happy new Year to all of our members and the people we meet out in the forest. This has been a very eventful year filled with a whole lot of joy and a tremendous amount of accomplishments all made possible by you our members. We are forever committed to keeping your public access open for all to use and hope to see many new faces in the coming year to lend a hand in keeping our public lands open.

Now more than ever the Forest Service is relying on volunteerism to complete the many critical task to keep public access open. I hope that everyone will have very joyous holiday season and enjoy the much needed time to reflect with family and friends. I am looking forward to seeing all of you who have contributed to our success and many new faces this coming year to celebrate good times and fun here in our Sierra National Forest.

Mike Wubbels

Executive Director


These are your Public Lands Please help to keep them Open and in Shape. If you do not, the next time you go to the forest it might just be closed and you will be standing there wondering what happened.